Wurth Family

This a family forum. A place for all Wurth's, big and small, far and wide, to have their voice heard.... Check that, this is a place for everyone to talk about their day and keep everyone informed on what's going on in our lives. Have Fun. Be Safe.

Monday, March 05, 2007

back in the saddle

Snow storm and sloppy streets aside, I hope everyone is having a great Monday. Let me start with a public apology, I was way out of line saying "shut-up" to Pat last night my apologies to her and to all who heard.

On a lighter note, how about Katie's awesome sweatshirt, it glowed in the dark and you can never get enough skull and crossbones glow-in-the-dark sweatshirts.

I am getting very anxious for golf to come along. I feel like I will play lots more this year but have some pretty big projects at home to finish as well.

Paul I would love to help you with your entertainment unit but need to see some plans. I also think it would be wise to enlist Tim's help, he is very handy at this sort of thing.

The week-to-come, Tim takes his test. Katie starts her apprenticeship at The Reader.

Feels good to be writing again although I am not impressed with the outcome.



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