I suppose I could try to clear that car, attempt to navigate the unplowed neighborhood streets, then attempt street parking near the gym - a near impossible, and sometimes dangerous task (see:
here, towards the bottom), but I've decided to blog instead and I stand by my decision.
I realize I missed my weekly post last week, but I was having issues with signing onto my account and quite frankly I'm pretty sure I have an exponential amount of posts compared to all of you save dad so Im not that worried about it. On with the post. First off, congrats to Katie for her new internship (assuming it was finalized). and nice pictures of the schmoops and Grace - she has to be crawling by now right???
Things in Chicago have been subdued lately what with the Bears loss and God's response to said loss with shitty weather for the last two weeks. Davis is currently in Florida with his parents, so I have the place to myself all week and weekend, which is nice. I won't be doing much - I start training to teach LSAT classes this weekend so at least I'll have a paycheck coming in pretty soon. Other than that, things are very much the same in these parts. I was talked into joining a Monday night euchre league at a bar and so far we've haven't been that successful, but watching how serious some teams (always older, and usually male/female couples) take the five games we play each night has been worth the price of admission. I shit you not - one guy plays with his IPOD and earphones in the whole time and won't talk to anyone like he's playing poker. Other than that, nothing real special to report on. With the coaxing of mom, I looked into volunteering for Obama's campaign but apparently they only want my money and not my time, which I explained was the opposite of what I had, to no avail.
Looking forward, as always to St. Patty's day coming up and hoping to see one if not two of my brothers visit over that weekend - im sure the vice president of sales can find a way to come to Chicago for a weekend right? Thats it for me...hope to see some more blogs on here soon.
As always - my recommendations:
Listen: Album:
All the Stars and Boulevards, by:
Augustana. Like most music for me, it takes one good song to get you to notice a new band, and the song "
Boston" on this album was that one for me. Middle of the road rock stuff, mainstream and sometimes a little moody, not the best thing ever, but check it out you might like it.
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Well I can't really call it an "expansion of horizons" if I don't read things I never thought I would. This is case in point number 1 - a love story that comes with its own set of book club questions in the back. And honestly, it was a good book. I think I may be biased because it is set in Chicago and about a guy and girl that around my age now for the majority of the book - so I knew all the references they made to Chicago (which were alot). Plus the premise takes it out of the traditional romantic crap and makes it interesting. As you might have guessed from the title - the book is about a man who can travel back and forth in time - but he can't control it, and doesn't know when it is going to happen. and somehow the author's explanation is believable so its not an issue.
Watch: I can't say for sure whether this is a new phenomenon or not - but apparently all TV seasons are now separated in half. With the 2nd half of the main shows having started that's all I've really been watching so I'll just give you a quick list of what I watch: Heroes, Studio 60, 24, The Unit, Friday Night Lights, Lost, Scrubs, and The Office - and I accidently watched Survivor last week and was intrigued so I may have to find time for it. Also, if you want a recommendation at the family house - it would be watch anything on
PBS or Discovery HD. I have more than once turned on Discovery HD to find a show about Antartica and then came to about 2 hours later. Its great stuff. One last HD tip: there is (at least here) an HBO HD channel that shows the same thing the normal HBO channel does but in HD. I thought there was no difference but there is so keep that in mind while watching HBO movies and such.