Wurth Family

This a family forum. A place for all Wurth's, big and small, far and wide, to have their voice heard.... Check that, this is a place for everyone to talk about their day and keep everyone informed on what's going on in our lives. Have Fun. Be Safe.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mid-Week Pick Me Up

Just in case anyone has a bad day this week...

You aren't the only one.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Paul's Picks

Print Bracket

Check out the Bracket that will win it all!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Chicago Ramblings v. 2.0

Its been awhile since I’ve posted so I thought I’d take my time to compose a well-thought out, nicely formatted post that would reinforce your well-founded belief in my literary acumen and all things pop-culture. This is not that post. That post was lost after my computer froze when I decided to try to put a last-minute touch on it, after working on it for about an hour. This post is one that is typed by a once very angry person who has decided to type a shell of what he originally wrote after taking a 24 hour hiatus from his computer that crashed, which was about to cause him to do something like this. What follows is a stream-of-conscience version of what I remember writing about yesterday. Oh, and I like links.

Nothing really exciting has been happening in Chicago lately. I’ve recently been certified to teach the LSAT to a bunch of people that will, no matter what I do, undoubtedly believe that I’m not worth the $1300 they are paying the company. Can’t wait to begin. Also, some fellow imprudently optimistic Rambler fans and I are still reeling from Loyola’s overtime loss to Butler on Saturday, which also eliminated LU’s chance of going to the gargantuan promenade. (thesaurus.com = sweet). What this means for all of you is that if anyone is caught picking Butler to win even one game in the tournament, not only will you have a stinky bracket, but you will also incur my wrath which is quite likely to include me only referring to you as a “Butler Face*” from now on. (*Note: not to be confused with a “Butter Face”)

I’ve also decided to do away with my lists of books, songs and shows I’ve been watching lately. While I have continued to barrage myself with all sorts of new media, I’ve instead decided to share it with you in a more interactive opinionated way. And in addition, to links, I like themes. This post’s theme: Bad Ass Sh*t. I suppose the theme probably should be mentioned in the beginning – but my computer crashing and Loyola losing are decidedly not very Bad Ass, so to make up for this I had to move the theme to the middle, but also kicking it off with the most Bad Ass thing in the history of ever: The Movie 300. Reasons why it is impossible for this not to be my favorite movie ever:

  • In preparation I read the book: “Gates of Fire” by Steven Pressfield. Its based on the same battle of Thermopylae that the movie is based on – which is an actual event in which 2000 Greeks defended a mountain pass against the invading Persian Army of 250,000. Of the Greeks, only 300 were Spartan warriors. SPOILER ALERT: The Spartans were bad ass.

  • Xerxes, the king of the Spartans, was some punk kid that basically forced his army to fight and thought he was a God. He needs to die. And he’s played by the same wimpy new guy on Lost that doesn’t ever want to explore the island so he can chill with his hot girlfriend.

  • Um, McNulty is off the docks and is one of the Spartan Warriors.

  • King Leonidas would kill William Wallace, Maximus, Aragorn, Chuck Norris and maybe even Jack Bauer in any battle. The only reason I say “maybe on Jack” is I’m not entirely convinced he’s capable of dying.

  • I've watched that trailer everyday for about 2 weeks now and I'm still not tired of it - THIS IS SPARTA!!

Needless to say that list is not exhaustive. And I’ll be happy to supplement it once I actually see the movie.

Finally, I’d like to discuss what I, like many of you, was hoping would be Bad Ass – The Black Donnellys. I’m probably in the minority of people who actually enjoyed most aspects of Studio 60 despite its obvious short-comings. So when I learned of its replacement, I was immediately skeptical. But then I learned of the show’s premise– 4 Irish brothers growing up in NY, drinking a lot, just trying to get bye, fighting with those evil Italians – throw in the hot, no-longer blonde lesbian from the O.C and a moody, hip soundtrack and I was sold. Wait…its also from the guy who wrote Crash and Million Dollar Baby? This Can’t Miss!, we’re talking TV version of Boondock Saints. What’s that?...his only other major foray into Television was Walker, Texas Ranger. Uh oh. And after 2 episodes I’m still half way between sold and uh oh. Here’s my major problem, (besides the fact that we are to expect to believe the brothers can pull of a quintuple murder and not get caught) the “bad ass” brother is friggin Smalls from Sandlot. I know its pedantic but things like this bother me. I’m willing to let it slide if he just stays in jail for the rest of the series. But sadly, the show isn’t getting great reviews either. Maybe its because the best part of the pilot wasn’t even in the pilot. You can judge for yourself if it made that big of a difference. The pilot left me under-whelmed also, but the second episode leads me to believe good things can still happen. I already like the mom character and she only said about 3 words. Anyways, since I haven’t made any music references yet – if you saw the second episode you caught a couple songs by my boy Damien Rice. They are Cannonball and Cold Water, and if you are checking them out, give 9 Crimes a listen too. Previews of them follow.

And if you like those, this song is good too:

That’s all for now, any comments are welcome, though not anticipated.

Hello Darkness My Old Friend....

What's a guy got to do to get a little Spring Time weather in March?? I am really sick and tired of shoveling this god-foresaken snow off my driveway, only to see 'ol mother nature push it right back where it came from.

I am only one man, my kid isnt old enough to be put to work yet ( anyone get a flash back of getting dad his cigarettes, lighter, ashtray, diet coke and cup of ice?? try not to let it effect the rest of your day!) OK, enough bitching, I just really want to some good weather so I can go stop Dad and any other Wurth male on the golf course.

In other news, I have created a new way for Grace and I to have a calm, stress free hang-out time- see pic above.
March is going to be a busy month for the family, we have Grace's Bday on the 15th and her party on the 24th... all who read this are required to attend. I am also traveling to Chicago on the 20th thru the 22nd on business and hope to meet up with Nick to knock back a few cocktails like some gentlemen.
Good to back posting. Hope everyone gets one good post in this month.
Paul W.

Monday, March 05, 2007

back in the saddle

Snow storm and sloppy streets aside, I hope everyone is having a great Monday. Let me start with a public apology, I was way out of line saying "shut-up" to Pat last night my apologies to her and to all who heard.

On a lighter note, how about Katie's awesome sweatshirt, it glowed in the dark and you can never get enough skull and crossbones glow-in-the-dark sweatshirts.

I am getting very anxious for golf to come along. I feel like I will play lots more this year but have some pretty big projects at home to finish as well.

Paul I would love to help you with your entertainment unit but need to see some plans. I also think it would be wise to enlist Tim's help, he is very handy at this sort of thing.

The week-to-come, Tim takes his test. Katie starts her apprenticeship at The Reader.

Feels good to be writing again although I am not impressed with the outcome.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Continued- Pictures of LOVE

So let’s continue…(Sorry about the delay)

Aunt Annie & Aunt Katie, fell in Love too…

But Uncle Tim was the one who wasn't sure what to do…

But within a few short days,
they both discovered one another’s like ways…

And Aunt Melissa made sure to snuggle her so tight,
keeping her warm in the middle of the night…

While Uncle Nick in Chicago, thought the whole thing was nothing but Trouble,
for he believed true LOVE was seeing Double…

Soon enough, this LOVE had him too…
wrapped around his lil’ finger with a awww and a cooo!

STAY TUNED…there is more to come!
