Wurth Family

This a family forum. A place for all Wurth's, big and small, far and wide, to have their voice heard.... Check that, this is a place for everyone to talk about their day and keep everyone informed on what's going on in our lives. Have Fun. Be Safe.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Nick's Top Ten Wurth Family Photos (10-6)

These are my top 10 pictures that I've found of our family. I tried to stay away from any sentimental ones, so these are ones that either make me smile or I think are just good pictures.


Katie's face cracks me up, plus this marks the first time both my big guns make an appearance on camera


Not sure if this was staged or not, but that is the face of girl who does not want to give up the spatula


OK, so I'm a little biased here, but whoever took this really captured the essence of my good-lookingness


Speaking of big guns, Tim busts em out here. But I think Paul and I (Paul especially) made sure this was the last time he thought he was tough

Well this was the 7th of about 79 pictures we posed for on this day. The belly makes a rare appearance and it reminds me of Montana, so its got that going for it. Which is nice.


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